Have a wonderful day :)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

During those tough times....

As all the days in the year cannot be the same in that there are sunny days, rainy days, chilly days so are the days in our lives: Some good, some bad and others worst. While all we want to remember are only the good times, we cannot ignore the learning from the not-so-good times.

How to deal with these minor/major set-backs of life?

There are innumerous ways in which people deal with such times- Some cry, some fret, some start socializing while others withdraw into their shells till they feel better.

I feel that when one is facing tough times, one needs to:

  1. Try harder: If certain situations can be set right by putting in a little extra effort, then go the extra mile and get things right
  2. Be Patient: If there is nothing that can be done about a situation, then be patient as the best days are yet to come
  3.  Find an alternative: If the tough times are something that can be changed such as heartbreaks, find an alternative- take up a new hobby, start doing something that you have discontinued. If you are passionate about painting, paint ; if you like dancing start dancing; if you are keen about writing- write.
  4. Think of times/ things that make us happy: It gives in the much required positivity in life
  5. Be Positive: The current times are not the end. In fact they are the stepping stones to better tomorrows
  6.  Don’t lose hope: for that gives the strength to face the world better 
  7. Socialize: Never get drawn into your own world for that makes you think more about the tough times and there are chances that you may get an on-rush of self-pity which is absolutely unnecessary
  8. Confront/Talk: More often than not we find situations wherein the people who are the reason behind the tough times are worse than the situation itself. At such times, confront the person, sit down and talk it out rather than bearing the grudge forever. It can  help clear the stale bad air and may also make the person treat you right.

                                                    Pic source: Google

In case you know anyone who is undergoing tough times Listen- for at times, people don’t need you to sympathize or your advices. All they need is a patient ear as they will be able to clear their brains off the things that is bothering them. They will end up being stronger and calmer

There is always a reason for everything that happens in life. You are in charge of everything. Make the best of what has been offered.


Keep Smiling :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why am I me?

How can I hate others when all that I have for myself is pure hatred?

While it is easy to love someone why is it that its so darn difficult to love oneself?

What is it that I have done that though there are a lot many people who love me for what I am, I am unable to love myself?

Why is it that when it is easier for people around to brag about themselves, that I find it difficult to even utter a word about what I have been?

Why is it that I cant let me take pride for having done things which a lot many can only dream of?

Why do I feel that i find it easy to push myself hard when things are tough than reward myself when 
it is a job well done?

Why have I let down my parents when all I have wanted is make them proud?

Why am I being curt?

Why am I me?

Yet I can't dream of being anyone else apart from being me.. Is there an end to my mind's rumblings?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quarter life crisis

Well no prizes for guessing the meaning of the post title.

Let me explain the meaning for most of us who are coming across this word for the first time. We all have heard and known what is meant by a mid-life crisis which is a fear or feeling for people in age group 35-50 who have spent half of their lives. It is the time of their life wherein they have everything set in their life- earning a decent salary, a good and understanding family, a planned retirement, a top and comfortable position in the company that they are working for quite some time now, less of reporting to somebody else and lot of being reported to about the what, hows etc. Yet a question looms as to if the wealth he or she has accumulated is enough to take care of the family till the end, if the right decisions have been made in the past, about the careers and the education of the children, if their spouses still love them the same etc and what is it that could have been done better?

Coming back to the blog title, it is a question that hovers in the minds of most of them in the age group - 25 to 30. Most of them would have completed their graduation (provided they have not had a lot of year-backs) and would have added a minimum of 2+ years of professional experience and a few travels to their curriculum vitae. It is that age wherein the gloominess of everything sets in. Till the age of 22 or 23 we would be taken care off well by our parents and the only tensions that we have in our lives would be those of exams and more often than not of heart-breaks. Our parents and all elders would have been asking us to just concentrate on our studies as our grades will pave a way for our grandeur future. Well when we are in our mid-20's we realise that the student days were the best days of our lives as everyday now we face a different exam. Earlier trusting someone would be easier but having faced the brutal world, it becomes difficult to trust our own self. Adding fuel to the confusions, we start doubting our capabilities and also wonder if we have made the right career choice for ourselves, friends drift apart as there is less time for self let alone friends. Even if we break this barrier and try to make time for friends, a wave of uncertainty glooms in when the same friends who would be ready to do anything for you and viceversa do nothing apart from boasting off their minor (and major) accomplishments.

Long term friendships, relationships come to an end abruptly. Love, trust, understanding give way for doubt, ego and pride. The child like self-confidence of winning the world over will make way for self-doubt.

During college days there would be constraints on the money. Now inspite of having thousands and lakhs of rupees in our accounts we seldom have time or friends to share our feelings.

We realise that the canteen-chai and samosas were more tastier as there would be people and ample time to share it with and also do masti as against the heavy wallets that gives you the freedom to choose the 5-star or 7-star hotel of your choice yet no one for company or time.

All these make people mature and grow old fast.. Do you have the time to spend with friends or friends to spend time with?

Cherish each moment for the time spent is the time lost..

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