Have a wonderful day :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A letter to my child

Dear Child,

Hope you get to read this mail someday when the time is right which i feel is the teens for that is the right age for you to understand what I have got to say.

There is a saying which goes like this-'Its not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings'. So it becomes my responsibility to tell you as to how to face the world that ceases to be all it used it has been till now for you. You get to see the real side of the world now- Competition, jealousy, selfishness, mistrust and what not. Yet, don't generalize that the world is bad for without all these, life becomes dull.

All I want to tell you is even I have been through all the uncertainties and the confusions that you are going through now. We as parents may sometimes be forced to succumb to the societal pressures and  would expect you to lead life in a certain way. It doesn't mean that we have stopped loving you or caring for you. Give us time, talk to us and make us understand as to what and why you think what you are doing is right.. we will surely understand and support you.

At this age, I do agree that all you need is a patient ear to hear what you got to say. Everything you see tempts you to give a try. I wouldn't stop you from doing what is right but please be honest and truthful to yourself. If you feel its right do it, when you are unsure, i am always there for you. Tell me what you are going through and how you are feeling for I can't read or understand all the zillion thoughts that swish across your mind. I do know that you are equally nervous as I am about you.

Be confident and bold about yourself. When you feel that something is wrong, stand up and fight for yourself and the ones who deserve to be fought for but also know when to hold back. If you realize that you have done something wrong, don't regret for we all learn from our mistakes. Each time you fall down, don't forget to pick yourself up and go on in life.

Stick to your principles. Never compromise on your ideals due to peer pressure but don't be resilient to change as well.

Though people say that love is surreal. I would say its the most beautiful feeling and a bliss if you find the right person. Don't shun away from it. All I request you is once you commit, never shudder away.. for it is wrong. There will be in-numerous dreams, hopes and aspirations from you. Never let down the person at any cost for you will be their support system. Also remember no relationship is perfect. It is within us to try to make it perfect. If need arises, fight for each other than fighting with each other. If there are misunderstandings, sit down and sort it out. Only when you feel that you are not amicable with each other and nothing can be done to keep the relationship alive, think of separation as it is the last resort. Remember that though there may be thousand reasons to give up, only one strong reason is enough to hold on.

Never cause pain to anyone. Nobody bothers if you are not of help but don't be the reason for someone's pain. If something is bothering you, take a break from what you are doing and contemplate with a calm mind. If it still bothers you, talk to anyone you are comfortable with.

Do not forget- You are special. Learn to listen to what your heart has got to tell for it know what is right for you. Be self-sufficient, self-confident and happy always but not self-centered.

When things go wrong, it is for a short period of time. Don't lose hope and give up. Once the tough phase passes, you will sit back and laugh at it. 

Lastly, if you are a girl, remember you are special and there is nothing impossible. When someone says that you cannot do it, put in a little more effort and see the results for yourself. Am sure it will leave the person spellbound. 

If you are a boy, please do respect women- be it your family or friends or the stranger on the road. Never degrade anyone for it doesn't harm them but you will fall in their eyes.

Never judge anyone for each person will be fighting their own demons, insecurities and shortcomings.

Live the moment else it becomes a memory.

Love you loads and here are my hugs and kisses..

Your loving Mom..

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