Have a wonderful day :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Which animal are you?

Last year during one of the behavioral trainings at office, we were asked to relate ourselves to any animal and draw a picture of the animal and justify the training team as to why we chose the animal?

Many people came up with animals such as turtle, duck, elephant, cow, fish, horse etc..

I chose to be an ant because of its hardworking nature, its concern for its present and future, its social nature: it prefers to be in a team and believes in teamwork. More importantly it prefers to mind its own until disturbed. Once disturbed it surely does teach a lesson. Also it has a never give up attitude which is very essential for one's survival in today's world.

Which animal are you? Ponder over and do leave a comment in the comment box :)

With love
Aar Kay :)

- Life is to be understood backwards but lived forwards


  1. Kya baatha hai rak. It is ur behaviour:D but in today's world smart work also required , because you can teach a lesson who learns not for hard skin people or you may call them by any name or category you wish:D

  2. I would definitely like to be a Lion u know I have all the good qualities of it except its eating habbits... :P also my sun sign being Leo :D :P :)


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